Keep tabs on your business.
The ticketbro app keeps track of everything you need to run your business, from area capacities to used resources.
We’ll keep count so that you don’t have to.
How it works.
Keep track of the facilities you need to run your business. Has an area reached maximum capacity? Do you have available resources left?
You’ll know in seconds.
Keep an eye on, well, everything.
Stay on top of things while monitoring spaces with limited availability or a limited amount of resources. Everything shows up in the app in real time, helping you provide a seamless experience to your customers even on the busiest days of the year.
Monitor you areas.
An area is what we call a specific part of your business that is somehow sectioned off and you’d like to manage access to individually. For example, you run a public pool that also has a sauna area, a kids' area, and a spa. Our app will keep track of your areas’ capacities and make sure you’re never exceeding them.
Track your assets.
With resource we mean anything that you need to run your business, such as material, places or people power. Resources can be consumed and need to be tracked along with your bookings, which is what we have made ridiculously easy. If you run a tennis club, for example, you’ll be able to track the availability of your courts at a glance, no running and checking necessary.
Add all the details you need.
Your resources might come in different variations. Let your customers pick exactly what they want by individually naming your resource items. This way, an indoor playground can offer a selection of different themed birthday rooms upon booking, eliminating stress for the client and saving their team precious time.

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