Digital friend for every indoor leisure facility.
With ticketbro, every indoor playground and play park can be booked online in just 5 minutes. Without any external help or costs. Full control from a single app. What are you waiting for?
40,00 €
Average order value
tickets for indoor playgrounds sold
happy customers
A real-life example.
This is what ticketbro can look like in action.
Start of the journey.
January 2022
TSCHAKKA BAY decided on the tickebro booking system. In addition to online bookings, they also installed special hardware for turnstiles, which is easily controlled with ticketbro tickets.
Birth of the upsells.
What is an upsell? Upsell is everything you offer at your venue beside entrance tickets. It can be different things like food, toys or something else.
TSCHAKKA BAY, in this case, started offering online upsells like lunchboxes, tattoos for kids, hair wrap, etc. Upsells of this kind brought them to at least 30% more profit.
Birthday bookings launched.
After a successful introduction of the booking system, it is now time to display the entire offer online. Therefore, from now on also different birthday parties incl. desired table selection will be shown online. 
On the basis of all existing bookings an average order value of approx. 200€ emerges. Beyond that there are however also reservations of up to 500€ value. This clearly shows that customers are willing to pay an online booking fee.
The future for TSCHAKKA bay.
Bro tip: "Offer hourly tickets exclusively online and the day ticket only offline. That way, in the long run, you can move your customers in the online direction."
Imagine you're open from 2 pm to 7 pm and a day ticket costs €8.90. A 2-hour ticket costs €5.90 instead.
Now, let's say you visit the indoor park at 5 pm. Would you still be willing to pay the entire 8.90€ for the day ticket, or would you opt for the hour ticket available online?
Frequently Asked Questions.
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Incredibly simple! Start by downloading our app and just follow a few simple steps! You will need no more than 5 minutes!
Everything we do, we do fairly and transparently. Of course, this also applies to the entire payment process. That's why we have decided to use a marketplace solution. This means that all your earnings go directly to your ticketbro wallet and you can fully access them at any time.
Yes, by going to your dashboard you are going to see all your analytics. And you will know how is your business going!
Indoor parks attract 60% more bookings by just one simple fact - having the possibility to be booked outside the regular working hours. Having an online booking system will help you to increase the number of bookings you take, but also allow you to make a higher profit on your appointments.
By using cashless payments, you can easily reduce your no-show rates. Also, with this method, you can develop strong customer relationships and improve their commitment to you.
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